Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Brief Introduction

School is no easy place. Taking a full-load of classes, and working full-time is no easy job, to say the least. Sometimes, I can't believe I'm even doing it. But, by the grace of God, I'm doing just that.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Retinna. I'm 29 years old, and enjoy being alive. Life is a place in time where we showcase who re truly are. From the mostundamental fibers of my being, I am a creative mind. Poetry, stories, books, art objects, performance...I love it all.

Amazingly, I also LOVE my job. I work at a nearby elementary school as an Instructional Assistant, and I work primarily with students who have exceptionalities. Through this job, I am a rpient of a grant through the school board which pays for school board employees to receive a college degree in an educational field where there is a critical shortage of teachers. My chosen field is Exceptional Student Education. This is an area for children who have special needs, whether it be in the ways they receive instruction, the physical setting, or any other need they may have. Teaching is the only field in which I can use all of my talents and abilities while also helping others. It's really a dream come true.

Part of my grades for this semester have to do with reflective journalising. While I did try doing this on paper, it wasn't working well. I lost pages, I couldn't find ccurate categories for my entries, and I was just buggered by the whole thing. So, here is a place for collecting my thoughts and ideas that I might otherwise loose. I hope that they can be an inspiration for someone else, and that they help others to see the importance of teachers in the lives of everyone. ;^)


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