Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ready for Take-off...I think!

"Now, what am I forgetting?"

This Thursday, I have my very first lesson plan due for the Unit Plan project in my favorite class, Teaching Children and Adolescents with Special Needs.  This is not just any lesson plan.  It's what Professor Ezell calls a Driving Test lesson plan.  It includes things that all teachers should know and understand for planning, but usually don't need to use; it's much like a driving test, where students show that they can perform lots of tasks with a car, even though they usually only drive in a straight line.

In my attempt to do my best this semester in stead of the disgusting slacking that I've been giving for the past few years, I have gone crazy with this assignment.  In fact, I can't believe how in depth I'm getting into this project.  But I suppose part of the reasoning for is the fact that it's so much FUN!  My unit;s focus is astronomy, and I am including lots of adaptations for children who are blind or deaf, in addition to those with learning disability, limited English proficiency, and other challenges.  While I am currently setting up the materials for the first lesson, I still have quite a ways to go.  

I am surprised at the number of web sites that address this issue, and have found a few that offer some useful information and resources.

Ozone Publishing- A company specializing in tactile books

You Can Do Astronomy- A web site dedicated to space-science education for people with disabilities 

An Astronomy Book for the Blind- An NPR story about a tactile book of Hubble Space Telescope photographs


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